At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk. The Business Automation Performance team is responsible for designing, implementing, conducting, and analyzing stress workloads/benchmarks for Business Automation software to ensure meeting customer expectations from a performance perspective.
- Design benchmark scenarios, implement and tune the workloads, conduct the workload measurements along with analyzing the performance data to guide Software development teams on performance improvements. This role is collaborative within a global team of IBM.
- Design benchmark and workload scenarios, keep them current.
- Implement benchmark and workload scenarios including setting up and configuring the various business automation software: Workflow, Decisions, Robotic Process Automation, Business Automation Management Open Edition.
- Automate and conduct performance measurements and data collection for benchmark and workload scenarios.
- Analyze the collected performance data to identify performance issues and bottlenecks.
- Develop and prototype proof of concept solutions to improve performance and drive innovations
- Level 3 customer engagement with performance troubleshoot and analysis.
- In a global team, work together with developers on improving the systems performance across the stack (Automation software, OpenShift, Databases).
- Bachelor's degree in information technology, computer science, computer engineering or equivalent
- Analytical thinking skills and drive to understand and analyze complex technical problems in large, multi-tiered software systems
- 5+ years of experience with programming and scripting languages as well as frameworks and IDEs (Java, Python, Bash, Ansible, Eclipse)
- Basic knowledge on container-based runtime environments (Kubernetes, OpenShift, etc.), Java-based application servers (IBM WAS, Liberty, etc.) and databases (IBM Db2, Postgres, etc.)
- Basic knowledge of agile concepts
- Good Communication and presentation skills
- Master's degree in information technology, computer science, computer engineering
- Experience with performance testing and analysis of applications / systems and corresponding analysis tools
- Experience with container-based runtime environments (Kubernetes, OpenShift, etc.), Java-based application servers (IBM WAS, Liberty, …) and databases (IBM DB2, Postgres, …)
- Basic knowledge of OSI model and networking skills