Preskoči na vsebino

IBM では、仕事 (work) とは単なる業務 (job) ではなく使命であると考えています。その目的は構成、設計、コーディング、コンサルティングや、お客様とともに考え、販売すること、市場の確立、発明、協力などです。 また、何かを改善するだけでなく、これまで可能であるとは想像もしなかったことに挑戦することであり、テクノロジーの新時代を主導し、世界で最も難しい問題を解決することです。

Vaša vloga in odgovornosti

This is a Japanese-speaking role located in Japan. For job details, please see the Japanese description below.
Please attach your CV written in Japanese with your application.

◆◆◆ ポジション概要、ミッション ◆◆◆

OIO(IBM オープン・インフラストラクチャー・オファリング契約)、IBM ITソーシング契約と呼ばれるお客様との長期包括契約の契約処理に関わるプロジェクトマネジメント





◆◆◆ 業務内容 ◆◆◆



・MS Excel, Powerpointを利用し契約書作成に向けた資料作成、社内例外承認の取得、業務と協業し契約書作成、作成済み契約書の提示〜契約締結フォロー




◆◆◆ 当ポジションの魅力 ◆◆◆





Zahtevana izobrazba
Zahtevano strokovno in tehnično znanje




Zaželeno strokovno in tehnično znanje

・IBMの各Brand SS経験、もしくは協業経験






O poslovni enoti

IBM je globalno prisoten in deluje v več kot 175 državah s široko geografsko porazdelitvijo prihodkov. Organizacija podjetja Global Markets je strateška prodajna poslovna enota, ki upravlja IBM -ov globalni odtis in tesno sodeluje z namenskimi državnimi operativnimi enotami, da služi strankam na lokalni ravni. Te državne ekipe imajo skrbnike za odnose s strankami, ki vodijo integrirane ekipe svetovalcev, strokovnjakov za rešitve in strokovnjakov za dostavo, da strankam omogočijo rast in inovacije. Z dopolnjevanjem lokalnega strokovnega znanja z globalnimi izkušnjami in digitalnimi zmogljivostmi IBM gradi globoke in široko zasnovane odnose s strankami. Ta osredotočenost na lokalno upravljanje spodbuja hitrost pri podpori strankam, naslavljanju novih trgov in vlaganju v nastajajoče priložnosti. Poleg tega organizacija Global Markets služi strankam s strokovnim znanjem v njihovi panogi ter z izdelki in storitvami, ki jih nudijo IBM in partnerji. IBM prav tako širi svoj doseg na nove in obstoječe stranke prek digitalnih tržnic.

Življenje v IBM-u

In a world where technology never stands still, we understand that, dedication to our clients success, innovation that matters, and trust and personal responsibility in all our relationships, lives in what we do as IBMers as we strive to be the catalyst that makes the world work better.

Being an IBMer means you’ll be able to learn and develop yourself and your career, you’ll be encouraged to be courageous and experiment everyday, all whilst having continuous trust and support in an environment where everyone can thrive whatever their personal or professional background.


Our IBMers are growth minded, always staying curious, open to feedback and learning new information and skills to constantly transform themselves and our company. They are trusted to provide on-going feedback to help other IBMers grow, as well as collaborate with colleagues keeping in mind a team focused approach to include different perspectives to drive exceptional outcomes for our customers. The courage our IBMers have to make critical decisions everyday is essential to IBM becoming the catalyst for progress, always embracing challenges with resources they have to hand, a can-do attitude and always striving for an outcome focused approach within everything that they do.


Are you ready to be an IBMer?


IBM’s greatest invention is the IBMer. We believe that through the application of intelligence, reason and science, we can improve business, society and the human condition, bringing the power of an open hybrid cloud and AI strategy to life for our clients and partners around the world.


Restlessly reinventing since 1911, we are not only one of the largest corporate organizations in the world, we’re also one of the biggest technology and consulting employers, with many of the Fortune 50 companies relying on the IBM Cloud to run their business. 


At IBM, we pride ourselves on being an early adopter of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and blockchain. Now it’s time for you to join us on our journey to being a responsible technology innovator and a force for good in the world.

Podrobnosti o drugem ustreznem delovnem mestu

For additional information about location requirements, please discuss with the recruiter following submission of your application.