At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, let's talk.
· Monitoring the health of the IKS control plane and ensuring reliable operations
· Responding promptly to production issues and alerts
· Executing changes in the production environment through advanced automation
· Partnering with other SRE teams and program managers to deliver mission-critical services
· Supporting the development and enhancement of Platform-as-a-Service services
· Implementing and automating solutions that support IBM Cloud products
· Ensuring compliance and security integrity of the environment
· Collaborating with Engineering to troubleshoot and resolve production issues
· Providing technical escalation support for other Infrastructure Operations teams
· Expertise in Kubernetes architecture, including the latest features and security aspects
· Strong debugging skills in Kubernetes environments.
· Strong experience in programming with Python or Go, with demonstrated ability to develop and maintain complex codebases.
· Proficiency in network configuration and advanced monitoring solutions such as Prometheus, SysDIG, and Grafana
· Experience in hands-on administration of cloud infrastructure, particularly Kubernetes-based platforms.
· Skills in performance tuning and optimization of Kubernetes clusters, including resource quota management, scaling, and efficient use of underlying infrastructure.
· Understanding of network protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.) and network configuration tools (e.g., CNI) specific to Kubernetes environments.
· Deep understanding of Kubernetes security practices, including network policies, security contexts, role-based access control (RBAC), and the secure handling of secrets.
· Knowledge of automation and configuration management tools: Ansible, Salt, Chef,Terraform
· Strong Linux skills for managing services across a microservices platform
· Ability to implement robust incident management strategies and frameworks
· Experience in performance optimization of Kubernetes clusters
· Understanding of disaster recovery planning and high availability setups in Kubernetes environments
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with a willingness to take on call-out responsibilities
· Experience establishing and improving procedures within a mission-critical environment
· Hands-on experience with any one of cloud infrastructures (IKS, AWS, Azure, GCP) and integrating cloud services for storage, security, and databases
· Knowledge of Slack bot automations for infra/cloud maintenance and SRE-based automations
· Active participation in Kubernetes communities and forums
· Vendor management skills to ensure optimal service levels and cost control
· Ability to mentor and train teams on Kubernetes best practices and operational strategies