At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.
- Limited only to P-TECH students in Korea
- Start and end dates for this program is Feb 3 and ends Feb 28, 2025
As part of an effort to engage with and develop talent, IBM seeks interns in an intership where one can not only develop professional skills but also experience IBM culture. Over the course of the internship, interns will work on projects and mini lessons that increase their technical and professional acumen. Thus preparing them for jobs of the future.
Not applicable
Not applicable