At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.
As a Development Manager, you will play a key role in the success of the IBM Code Engine organization which is a critical PaaS service offering from IBM Cloud.
You will be responsible and accountable for product development and maintenance of our Software Stack You will be working on improving delivery efficiency, quality, release management, maintenance, and team management
As a Development Manager, you will be the key driver to planning delivery using Agile practices, training and ramp-up needs of the team, driving operational efficiencies and tooling and responding to customer and support issues for your squad.
To maintain competitive advantage, managers must be able to work quickly and produce high-quality status and ensure that they are bridging any gaps between various dependencies as well as bringing the proper awareness to any blockers to upper management.
Working with other global squads to resolve common issues better, being able to drive efficiencies is also key..
Minimum 10+ years of experience in Software Product Development domain
Proficient in people and project management track record. Seasoned professional with hands on managing performance of the world class engineering team
In-depth understanding of all aspects of the software development processes and excellent cross-team collaboration skills. Agile development experience is highly desirable.
Prior experience leading an engineering team involved in software development and understanding of Microservices.
Ability to handle multiple ongoing threads at the same time
Experience with implementation techniques to improve efficiency and ensure on-time project completion.
Experience working with development teams to make sure they adhere to the product development lifecycle process. You’ll drive the development team in their delivery of milestones and checkpoints.
Track record of collaborating across functions to improve software products.
Experience working in a complex software development environment, preferably in Cloud
Proven track record in handling customer situations related to the product/service owned
Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Experience managing multiple projects at the same time, recognizing and mitigating risks, and working proactively on contingency plans.
Extremely well organized, detail-oriented and possessing a high level of integrity.
Ability to get things done; must be resourceful, proactive and aggressive.
Team player who works well in collaborative situations and start-up environments.
Familiar with cloud platform, cloud native development, agile development practices is an added advantage
Proven track record on hosting and managing highly available public cloud services.